Nomination Committee


The Nomination Committee of the Company was established in 2012. The Nomination Committee is chaired by the Chairman of the Board, currently comprises three members including the Chairman of the Board and two Independent Non-executive Directors, namely:

  • Mr. Lu Wing Chi, Jesse (chairman)
  • Mr. Walujo Santoso, Wally
  • Mr. Lo Wai Tung Welman


Role and Function

The principal role of the Nomination Committee includes, inter alia, reviewing the structure, size and composition of the Board with due regard to the Board Diversity Policy, making recommendations on any proposed changes to the Board to complement the Company’s corporate strategy.

The Board adopted the Nomination Policy in March 2014 setting out the criteria, procedures and process for nomination of Directors. When identifying candidates to be appointed as Director, the Nomination Committee shall make evaluation of the proposed candidate pursuant to the nomination criteria and make recommendation to the Board if appropriate. The Board shall make decisions on the appointment based on the recommendation of the Nomination Committee. The Nomination Policy contains a number of factors in assessing the suitability of a proposed candidate which include the candidate’s skills, competence, experience, professional and educational qualifications, time commitment, diversity perspectives set out in the Board Diversity Policy and the independence criteria under Rule 3.13 of Listing Rules if the candidate is proposed to be appointed as an Independent Non-executive Director.

The Nomination Committee also reviews the expertise and overall contribution of the retiring Directors of the Company who are standing for re-election at the annual general meeting of the Company and recommends such retiring Directors to the Board for re-election at the annual general meeting of the Company.

For review of the terms of reference of the Nomination Committee of the Company, please click on the link below: